Features - Atmosphere Here you can browse through all atmosphere related articles Apply Refine results Type Article Blog Post Features Categories Satellites Atmospheric composition Climate Ocean Weather Data Education Organisation Meteosat Metop Sentinel Features - All Tags MSG OLCI Satellite Applications Facility (SAF) Sentinel-4 Sentinel-5 MTG Sentinel-3 Training Atmosphere Atmospheremooc Climate Monitoring Copernicus Hackathon Features Features article Date 2023 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 SHOW ALL 18 results Features Tracking and tracing atmospheric change EUMETSAT missions enhance global observations of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution Features Catching the Sun Supporting UV forecasts with data from EUMETSAT’s Meteosat programme Features How did the first coronavirus lockdown affect air and ocean pollution? EUMETSAT expert explains the effects of the lockdown on air and ocean pollution Features Unprecedented wildfires devastate Siberia and spread smoke over the Arctic Experts have recorded Siberian smoke reaching the geographic North Pole for the first time. Features Smoke from exceptional California wildfires reaches Europe Satellite observations monitor the transport of emissions. Features Keeping an eye on air turbulence from space For many travellers, air turbulence is often a cause of much concern and in some cases, fear. Features Vasileios Barlakas shares his experience as a fellow with us Continuing our series on fellowships we talked to Vasileios, who is currently halfway through his. Features Introducing Day to Day, EUMETSAT’s first podcast series! If you’ve been looking for something different to listen to then our new podcast series might be just the thing. Features Online Learning Opportunities If you’re in need of new learning materials for yourself or for your family, we’ve outlined some of the online training opportunities offered by EUMETSAT. Features Working together for the benefit of our planet The 16 September 2019 once again marks the United Nations’ International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. Features EUMETSAT to host first ever Copernicus ‘Eyes on Earth’ Roadshow The world we live in requires us to have our eyes open at all times – and well-focused on Earth – so that we can leave the best possible planet for the future generations. Features Relive the experience of the Atmosphere MOOC All course material is now accessible through a new website. Load More