The Workshop on Integrated Nowcasting Tools: status, collaboration, use of Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) data will be held on 23-25 January 2024 at EUMETSAT, in Darmstadt, Germany. Attendance is by invitation only.
As the demand for nowcasts (forecasts with 0-6h lead time) of rapidly-changing phenomena increases so that timely warnings can be issued, some national weather services are investing in integrated nowcasting tools. Many however do not have the capacity to develop such tools or do not use Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) products.
The aim of the workshop is to identify existing and planned developments of integrated nowcasting tools in Europe. These are tools that integrate different data sources and apply methods to blend/analyse them for forecasters, often combining observation-based and numerical weather prediction-based methods. Attendees at the workshop will discuss how to best build capacity at national weather services that do not have (integrated) nowcasting tools.
The workshop further aims to identify areas of possible coordination or collaboration, by sharing code, methods or data for example. Participants will also discuss mechanisms and platforms for collaboration such as the European Weather Cloud.
More information can be found here.