A Spot - weather image

Science meetings


Fostering the use of data from EUMETSAT satellite missions by bringing users together

A Spot - weather image
A Spot - weather image

EUMETSAT organises regular science meetings, expert workshops and symposia to bring users together to discuss developments and potential applications from satellite missions, such as the Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) and EPS Second Generation (EPS-SG) weather satellites.

Last Updated

23 August 2024

Published on

07 June 2024

These meetings are important to keep users up-to-date with ongoing activities and news on data availability, and to provide a forum to discuss new products and application ideas. 

Mission and Science Advisory Groups (MAGs and SAGs) exist to provide independent advice on the scientific concepts, calibration/validation approaches and data usability of individual missions, such as the Lightning Imager on MTG-I or METimage on Metop-SG A.