The triennial Living Planet Symposia, hosted by ESA, are among the world’s leading Earth observation events. Highlighting the need to tackle the intensifying climate crisis, the 2025 edition (LPS25) revolves around the transition ‘From observation to climate action and sustainability for Earth’. EUMETSAT will be on show during the gathering with collaborative booths and workshops.
LPS25 will provide a platform for presenting and discussing the latest scientific findings and applications based on satellite data. Bringing together scientists, policy-makers and industry, the five-day event will highlight innovative services and initiatives and explore the role of data and technologies in addressing environmental and societal challenges.
EUMETSAT will have two joint booths at the symposium charting major themes of interest:
- The data path between the satellite and the user, organised with the ECMWF
- The Meteosat Third Generation-Sounder 1 (MTG-S1) satellite, together with ESA
In addition, ESA, the ECMWF and EUMETSAT will organise a Destination Earth (DestinE) user exchange workshop during the event.
Take part in LPS25 to network, share ideas and explore the latest scientific findings in Earth observation. Registration for the event will open in April 2025. More detailed information on the event can be found here.
Main image: ESA