HQ with satellites

International Ocean Vector Winds Science Team meeting (IOVWST)

Darmstadt, 5-8 May 2025

Experts dedicated to the measurement and analysis of winds over the ocean meet in Darmstadt, Germany

HQ with satellites
HQ with satellites

The IOVWST (International Ocean Vector Winds Science Team) meeting is an annual international conference dedicated to the measurement and analysis of winds over the ocean. It has a strong focus on scatterometry but also covers a wider range of topics related to wind remote sensing techniques and physical processes at the air-sea interface.

Last Updated

14 February 2025

Published on

14 February 2025

This year the IOVWST meeting will be held at EUMETSAT premises in Darmstadt, Germany. It is  co-organised by EUMETSAT and partners from Florida State University, the EUMETSAT Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility and the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

The focus of the meeting is on the measurement of wind speed and direction on the ocean surface, which covers a broad range of oceanographic topics. These include the technical aspect of the observing system: looking into the spatial and temporal scales covered by field observations, airplane measurements and spaceborne instruments, and investigating how to consolidate the different measurements. The meeting also covers the scientific aspect, with the need to better understand the different geophysical parameters which are relevant in the context of these measurements. These parameters are e.g. sea surface temperature and topography, precipitation, currents and winds, and are needed to improve our understanding of the processes at the air-sea interface. Operational applications of wind data are also a key part of the meeting.

The aims of the meeting are:

  • to present and discuss the results on selected topics in oceanography, to improve the understanding of the processes at the air-sea interface;
  • to coordinate between the scientific community, NWP centres and the space agencies, aiming to improve the observing system and the utilisation of the data;
  • to agree on transparent calibration and retrieval methodologies for the observation system, improving data availability and exchange

This meeting has a strong focus on scatterometry. EUMETSAT has a long-standing involvement in the scatterometry community and will continue to play an important role as a provider of well-calibrated and stable wind vector measurements from the instruments on board the EPS-SG mission.

It is vital to interact with the science community in order to obtain feedback on our data, enabling EUMETSAT to improve existing data sets and retrieval algorithms. It also helps in gathering requirements for future missions.

The meeting is relevant for colleagues from universities, NWP centres and space agencies, with participants from Europe, the US and Asia.

Registration for this event is open here. Please note that the abstract deadline is 24 February  2025 and the registration deadline 17 March 2025.