User forum

User forum in Africa


The forum strengthens the dialogue between EUMETSAT and the African user community, optimising the use of EUMETSAT satellite data and products

User forum
User forum

To ensure optimal use of EUMETSAT data and products, we hold a forum for users of our data in Africa every two years. This provides an opportunity to identify ways EUMETSAT can meet the requirements of our African partners.

Last Updated

31 January 2025

Published on

16 June 2023

The forum strengthens dialogue between EUMETSAT and African users of our data.

The data, products and services generated from EUMETSAT's satellites make a significant contribution to weather forecasting and climate monitoring and are freely available to all African countries.

Each forum is held in collaboration with the national meteorological and hydrological service of the host country, governmental institutions and ministries.


Representatives from African national meteorological services, regional economic communities, the African Union Commission, the European Commission, industry and other institutions attend the forum.

Discussions cover EUMETSAT products and services, the satellite application facilities and information about data dissemination. Specific sessions are held to exchange views on how EUMETSAT could best promote the use of meteorological satellite data in Africa.

The programme normally includes thematic sessions on, for example, hydrology, climate, the mitigation of natural disasters and other topics.

The 15th EUMETSAT User Forum in Africa was held in collaboration with the Tanzanian Meteorological Authority, under the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communications of the United Republic of Tanzania, on 13-16 September 2022 in Dar es Salaam.

The focus of the forum was the transition to the new generation of meteorological satellites, particularly Meteosat Third Generation (MTG), and on the sustainability of the outcomes of the SAWIDRA project, the GMES and Africa Support Programme and the intra-ACP Climate services programme.

Information on the next forum can be found on the dedicated meeting website.

Report of the 16th EUMETSAT User Forum in Africa

User Forum in Africa - Reports

Forum des usagers d'EUMETSAT en Afrique