WMO Information System

WMO Information System (WIS)


WIS is responsible for data management & telecommunications.

WMO Information System
WMO Information System

The WMO Information System (WIS) is the coordinated global infrastructure responsible for the telecommunications and data management functions.

Last Updated

03 June 2024

Published on

04 October 2023

WIS provides an integrated approach, suitable for all WMO programmes, to meet the requirements for routine collection and automated dissemination of observed data and products, as well as data discovery and access and retrieval services for all weather, climate, water and related data, produced by member countries and organisations.

Data Collection or Production Centres (DCPC) are centres that fulfil, within specific WMO Programmes, an international responsibility for the generation and provision for international distribution of data and/or products. In 2010 EUMETSAT enrolled as a DCPC and successfully completed the designation procedure by enhancing existing interfaces and services. Those enhancements addressed primarily functionalities and services provided by EUMETSAT’s Earth Observation Portal.

As an endorsed DCPC, EUMETSAT implemented, operationally, a set of essential functions.

Data collection and data production intended for dissemination

  • Within its area of responsibilities
    EUMETSAT collects operational satellite data and non-satellite data; produces meteorological products, and delivers data and products that satisfy the meteorological requirements of its Member States.
  • Within the framework of WMO Programs
    As a key member of the WMO Global Observing Systems (GOS), EUMETSAT is actively contributing through the provision of data, products and services from its satellites.

EUMETSAT is also disseminating data and metadata worldwide, through GEONETCast, a near real-time, global network of satellite-based data dissemination systems. GEONETCast is a contribution to the WMO Integrated Global Data Dissemination Service (IGDDS).

Information provision

Intended for Global and non-Global Exchange
EUMETSAT is responsible for provision of real-time functions of data and product dissemination via:

  • Direct Dissemination and EUMETCast, its satellite dissemination systems
  • Global Telecommunication System
  • Regional Meteorological Data Communication Network
  • Bi-lateral data exchange links to strategic partners

Provide access to information

The Product Navigator (PN) is EUMETSAT's online catalogue of all EUMETSAT data and products. It provides a secure access to all real-time or offline archived EUMETSAT datasets.

Users can find their data using a simple full-text search, a geographic and time search, or a browse-by-theme mode.

Use of international metadata standards to be interoperable

The Product Navigator is a fully interoperable information discovery system:

  • It is built upon ISO 19115/19139 XML metadata standards. All metadata records are also conforming to the EU INSPIRE directive.
  • It provides search and discovery APIs compliant to the OpenGIS® Standards for Web 2.0.2 (OGC CSW) standard, as well as ISO 23950 SRU protocol.

Real-time interconnection to GISCs to be part of the WIS

As a DCPC, EUMETSAT is providing data intended for global and regional exchange to the designated GISCs in its WMO region.

EUMETSAT also has in place operational procedures for synchronising its metadata catalogue with the GISC Offenbach.

EUMETSAT metadata contained within the Product Navigator is operationally synchronised to GISC Offenbach in WMO core profile 1.2.

GISC Offenbach is synchronising its product catalogue with other GISCs such as GISC Beijing and via the network of GISCs, EUMETSAT datasets can, therefore, be discovered and retrieved from anywhere within the WIS.

As soon as the OpenWis software platform has been declared operational by the consortium, EUMETSAT will interface itself with the emerging GISCs Toulouse and Exeter.

WIS key features for users of EUMETSAT data and products

With the WIS, exposure and availability of EUMETSAT products and datasets are greatly increased, as they can now reach potential users who are not necessarily part of the meteorological community.

The EUMETSAT DCPC infrastructure is operationally ready to function as DCPC in WIS and welcome all WIS users that want to take advantage of the EUMETSAT datasets.

The WIS EUMETSAT factsheet has more details.

Contact the DCPC via email