Space agencies cooperate to meet global meteorological Earth observation needs

The Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites has agreed a framework for assessing its contributions of satellite observations to the WMO’s plans for a global integrated system of Earth observation.
29 September 2020
04 July 2018
The CGMS, an international forum for coordinating operational and R and D space agency activities in support of weather and climate monitoring, agreed to undertake an annual risk assessment of the established baseline at its recent plenary meeting in Bengaluru, India.
Vision 2040 for the WMO Integrated Observing System (WIGOS) which is expected to be formally adopted next summer, defines the targeted architecture for meteorological satellite systems to be taken into account by CGMS agencies.
The CGMS baseline captures every five years its agencies’ already committed contributions to the WIGOS Vision 2040 architecture, through the agencies’ approved programmes, EUMETSAT Head of Strategy, Communication and International Relations Paul Counet said.

The gap between the WMO Vision and the CGMS baseline will be analysed and documented every five years to guide CGMS agencies in their planning for additional contributions and programmes.
The annual assessment of the risk of committed contributions to the Vision 2040 not being met, for example if a launch failure were to impact plans, would be used as a trigger for any appropriate contingency measures, Counet said.
The first baseline analysis CGMS noted gaps related to low frequency microwave radiometer observations.
The plenary also endorsed the transition of its temporary Space Weather Task Team into a permanent CGMS Space Weather Coordination Group to secure interaction with the CGMS technical working groups and the Space Weather Coordination Group of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Use of Outer Space.
The CGMS reconfirmed its commitment to supporting the establishment of an operational greenhouse gas monitoring system and its space-based component.