Join Us For A #metopmeetup
06–07 November 2018, Darmstadt, Germany

Metop-C will soon become the latest addition to the EUMETSAT fleet of meteorological satellites and we want you to come and Cs the day with us!
03 November 2020
07 November 2018
The #METOPMEETUP is due to be held on 6/7 November 2018, in conjunction with the launch of Metop-C from Kourou, French Guiana
This event is perfect for you, if you:
- Love meteorological satellites and the planet;
- Are an avid user of social media (especially Twitter), sharing relevant, respectful news;
- Are passionate about “tweetups”;
- Have a good social media following, an engaged audience and are able to reach a wide range of communities through engaging content.
More on Metop
Metop-C will be the third and final satellite in the EUMETSAT Polar System to be launched. Its siblings, Metop-A and –B were launched in 2006 and 2012 respectively and continue to make a significant impact on the accuracy of weather forecasts. They also help contribute to our understanding of the Earth’s climate.
The data from the Metop satellites are crucial for forecast quality. Studies have shown that Metop data are responsible for a significant error reduction in one-day forecasts. When Metop-C is operational, we expect that it will have an additional positive impact on forecast quality.
Find out more about Metop-C via our dedicated microsite .
Event overview
The launch programme will run on 6 November from approximately 23:30 until 03:30, with lift-off scheduled for 01:47:51. We know it’s a late night, but don’t worry, you can expect plenty of things going on to keep you entertained while we wait for the launch countdown together.
The event will be held in English and include presentations conducted by staff from EUMETSAT, ESA and other European experts, plus refreshments, catering and (most important) WIFI access will be provided - we encourage you to be active on social media. However, we don’t want to give away everything that will be on offer - come and see for yourself!
How you can apply
Please email us and let us know your motivation for joining and provide us with your personal information. Full details on what information you need to give us can be found in our Terms and Conditions below. Please read carefully, as it contains everything you need to know regarding the event and what conditions the application requires.
As mentioned, catering, refreshments (some other goodies) and WIFI will be provided, however you are responsible for any other expenses related to travel, accommodation and other costs incurred.
Application deadline: 11 October 2018.
Spaces are limited! Make sure you follow us on Twitter (@eumetsat ) for any updates.
Questions? Drop us a line at: press@eumetsat.int using the subject line: #METOPMEETUP
Metop-C Launch Event: Terms and Conditions
The Metop-C launch event will be held on 6/7 November 2018 (launch time 01:47:51 CET) at EUMETSAT’s headquarters in Darmstadt, Germany.
To apply, please provide us with your full name, social media account username(s) and contact information (telephone number and email address). Spaces are limited, therefore we also require a few sentences describing your motivation/interest for joining.
Anyone over the age of 18, who follows one or more of EUMETSAT’s social media accounts is welcome to apply. Applications unfortunately cannot be accepted from EUMETSAT, ESA or EU staff members; members of official delegations to EUMETSAT, ESA or the EU; onsite, full-time contractors for EUMETSAT, ESA or the EU; nor any immediate family member of any of the aforementioned. (Please also check your visa requirements for entering Germany.)
All applications must be submitted to @email before 11 October. Once all applications have been reviewed, selected applicants will receive an official invitation via email on 12 October to join us in Darmstadt. All information and instructions will be provided with this mail. Please confirm your participation no later than 19 October.
Only 1 person per application is permitted and invites are non-transferable.
Please note: invitees are responsible for any expenses related to travel, accommodation and other costs incurred. The event in Darmstadt, however, is free of charge.
Further Information
By applying to the Metop-C launch event in Darmstadt, you agree that:
- You are able to travel to Darmstadt, Germany, and will be present at the event for its duration on 6 November 2018;
- You have government-issued photo ID (for example, a passport or national ID card);
- You are or will be at least 18 years of age on 6 November 2018;
- You have or will obtain any required visa to enter Germany;
- You have full health, travel, liability and any other necessary insurance;
- You are the owner of the social media account under which you registered;
- You agree that EUMETSAT may publicise and share your image, name, hometown/city and social media account name(s);
- You understand that all costs related to travel, accommodation or miscellaneous expenses are to be paid by you;
- You agree that EUMETSAT and their subcontractors, partners, employees and agents are in no way liable for any claim for damages arising from any activity in connection with this event;
- You understand that this event is being conducted on a best-effort basis and may be modified, delayed or cancelled at any time, particularly in the event of a launch delay or postponement.
Outline Schedule
The programme will run from approximately 23:30 until 03:30 (confirmed times will be sent to invitees later), and the lift-off is scheduled for 01:47:51 CET on 7 November.
The event will comprise of presentations conducted by staff from EUMETSAT, ESA and other European experts plus viewing of the launch and more. There will also be refreshments, catering and WIFI access provided
To apply, and for any queries please write to: press@eumetsat.int using the subject line: #METOPMEETUP
Official hashtags for this event are: #METOPC and, for you special guests, #METOPMEETUP