InfraRed Sounder A Spot

IRS Mission Advisory Group (IRS MAG) November 2020

Online, 12 November 2020

InfraRed Sounder A Spot
InfraRed Sounder A Spot

Held: 12 November 2020, Online

Last Updated

26 June 2024

Published on

04 June 2024

The Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) series of future European geostationary meteorological missions consists of two satellites: the imaging satellites (MTG-I) and the sounding satellites (MTG-S). The Infrared Sounder (IRS) is one of the two instruments hosted on board the MTG-S satellites.

The scope of the IRS mission is to provide the user community with information on time evolution of humidity and temperature distribution, as function of latitude, longitude and altitude. In this context, EUMETSAT has established the IRS mission advisory group (IRS-MAG) with the mandate of providing independent advice on the scientific concepts, cal/val approaches, and data usability of the IRS mission.

Objectives and outcomes

The proceedings and outcomes of the meeting can be found in the Executive summary.

Programme and reports

Thursday 12 November

Update on In-Field straylight and spectral calibrationPierre Dussarrat
Update on IRS geometric performances from MTG-S satellite CDRClaude Ledez
Discussion linked to the action M9.A4Thomas August/All
Discussion on the science plan: planning, issues,… linked to the action M7.A13All
Brief update on progress with the GIIRS collaboration project (ECMWF/EUMETSAT)Tony McNally