InfraRed Sounder A Spot

IRS Mission Advisory Group (IRS MAG), November 2019

EUMETSAT, Germany, 18-19 November 2019

InfraRed Sounder A Spot
InfraRed Sounder A Spot

Held: 18-19 November 2019, EUMETSAT, Germany

Last Updated

26 June 2024

Published on

04 June 2024

The Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) series of future European geostationary meteorological missions consists of two satellites: the imaging satellites (MTG-I) and the sounding satellites (MTG-S). The Infrared Sounder (IRS) is one of the two instruments hosted on board the MTG-S satellites.

The scope of the IRS mission is to provide the user community with information on time evolution of humidity and temperature distribution, as function of latitude, longitude and altitude. In this context, EUMETSAT has established the IRS mission advisory group (IRS-MAG) with the mandate of providing independent advice on the scientific concepts, cal/val approaches, and data usability of the IRS mission.

Objectives and outcomes

The proceedings and outcomes of the meeting can be found in the minutes of meeting.

Programme and reports

Monday 18 November

Welcome and agendaCo-chairs
Introduction of new memberFlavio Iturbide (NOAA)
Review of ongoing actionsCo-chairs
ITSC feedbacksDorothee/Thomas
Instrument update and performances (including the Non-Conformity performance + halo effect)Daniel Lamarre
First feedbacks on the IRS NCBertrand Theodore
IF alignment monitoringPierre Dussarrat
Feedbacks on the Wisconsin uniformisation (M5.A2)Pierre Dussarrat
MTG toolboxPeter Miu
Short introduction for the PC discussionDorothee Coppens
Five wrong reasons not to use reconstructed radiancesTim Hultberg
Slot for discussion on PCAll

Tuesday 19 November

Proposal for the definition of 'scientific' and 'technical' test dataTony McNally
Requirements on test data for scientific and functional purposes (M7.A8)Christina Köpkens-Watts
Outcome of the MTG users workshopStephan Bojinsky
Executive summary of progress from L2 assimilation study at ECMWFTony McNally
Feedback of the L2 studies – interaction with the user communityThomas August
Summary on the leading entities of European regional NWP consortia, as well as NOAA, to know about their plans to assimilate L2 productsThomas August
Monitoring of NH3 with MTG IRSPierre-François Coheur
Introduction to which levels to use L2 productsTony McNally
Discussion on the number of levels for the L2 productsTim Hultberg
GIIRS products quality assessmentPierre Dussarrat
Overview of progress with GIIRS at ECMWFTony McNally
Discussion on the science plan: status, way forwardAll
Processing flags in the IRS L1 productBertrand Theodore
Heterogeneity with imager modeBertrand Theodore

Supporting documents

Answer to M7A6 (coheurcamypeyret)