InfraRed Sounder A Spot

IRS Mission Advisory Group (IRS MAG) May 2019

EUMETSAT, Germany, 16-17 May 2019

InfraRed Sounder A Spot
InfraRed Sounder A Spot

Held: 16-17 May 2019, EUMETSAT, Germany

Last Updated

26 June 2024

Published on

04 June 2024

The Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) series of future European geostationary meteorological missions consists of two satellites: the imaging satellites (MTG-I) and the sounding satellites (MTG-S). The Infrared Sounder (IRS) is one of the two instruments hosted on board the MTG-S satellites.

The scope of the IRS mission is to provide the user community with information on time evolution of humidity and temperature distribution, as function of latitude, longitude and altitude. In this context, EUMETSAT has established the IRS Mission Advisory group (IRS-MAG) with the mandate of providing independent advice on the scientific concepts, cal/val approaches, and data usability of the IRS mission.

Objectives and outcomes

The proceedings and outcomes of the meeting can be found in the Minutes of Meeting.

Programme and reports

Thursday 16 May

Welcome and agendaCo-chairs
Review of ongoing actionsCo-chairs
Instrument update and performances (including the Non-Conformity performance)Daniel Lamarre
ATBD L1 evolutions – version for internal CCBBertrand Theodore
Update on the IRS L1 prototype restructuring + statusBertrand Theodore
Presentation of the study on geolocation accuracy (Action M6.5)Domenico Schiavulli
Presentation of the test data plan (Action M6.6)Domenico Schiavulli
To revisit old presentation on the needs for L1 and L2 test data (Action M6.7)C. Koepken-Watts
Presentation of desirable test data/parameters from the IRS Engineering Model (Action M6.8)Claude Camy-Peyret
ECMWF test data generation and preliminary runsBertrand Theodore
Requirements for NRT access to ALTIUS dataClaude Camy-Peyret

Friday 17 May

Invited talk on CAMSVincent-Henri Peuch (ECMWF)
IRS capabilities for Atmospheric composition, and to identify where developments are neededPierre Coheur
Characterization and Error Analysis of PWLR ProfilesTim Hultberg
On-going studies at EUM and future plansThomas August
ECMWF L2 assimilation studyTony McNally
Proposal for technical and communication for the PC basis update (Action M5A9bis)Thomas August
L2 retrievals assimilation for regional/convection resolving models (Action M5.A10)Thomas August
Science plan – outlines of each chapterBook captains
GIIRS products quality assessmentDave Tobin
GIIRS data – users feedbackTony McNally

Supporting documents

MTG-IRS-MAG-high resolution data for MTG

Science Plan - Chapter 3 DRAFT