
IRS mission advisory group (IRS-MAG) April 2024

Darmstadt and online, 09-10 April 2024


09 – 10 April 2024, Darmstadt and online

Last Updated

24 July 2024

Published on

17 July 2024

The Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) series of future European geostationary meteorological missions consists of two satellites: the imaging satellites (MTG-I) and the sounding satellites (MTG-S). The Infrared Sounder (IRS) is one of the two instruments hosted on board the MTG-S satellites.

The scope of the IRS mission is to provide the user community with information on time evolution of humidity and temperature distribution, as function of latitude, longitude and altitude. In this context, EUMETSAT has established the IRS mission advisory group (IRS-MAG) with the mandate of providing independent advice on the scientific concepts, cal/val approaches, and data usability of the IRS mission.

Objectives and outcomes

The proceedings and outcomes of the meeting can be found in the minutes of the meeting.

Programme and reports

09-10 April 2024

Agenda: IRS MAG agenda - Spring 2024

Supporting documents:

Review of actionsAll
MTG Programme StatusS. Dieterle
Presentation of the IDPF-S contracts and scheduleD. Schiavulli
Communication of the final wavenumber gridsP. Dussarrat
Detection of PC compression outliersJ. Wilzewski
Report of NOAA-21 CrIS calibrationD. Tobin
Status of the GeoXO GXS missionF. Iturbide
IRS and FCI synthetic data generation with ECMWF 4km Destination Earth modelM. Martinez
IRS Test data statusC. Goukenleuque
L2 processor development statusO. Samain
EUM plans about L2 assimilationT. Hultberg
IRS L2 monitoring part 1S. Stapelberg
IRS L2 monitoring part 2H. Bhat
Preparation for IRS at Met-OfficeN. Atkinson
Preparation for IRS at ECMWFT. McNally