Storm tracking
When a major storm is predicted a week in advance, it triggers a chain of activity at the FMI’s forecast centre. Additional shifts are assigned, and meteorologists work around the clock to monitor the storm, coordinate with emergency services, and deliver media briefings.
“There’s a saying that a butterfly fluttering its wings in Peru can cause a sandstorm in the Sahara,” says Jääskeläinen. “When it comes to predicting storms, though, it’s not one butterfly we’re accounting for – it’s an immense number of dynamic factors.”
These factors, she explains, include temperature differences in the atmosphere, humidity levels, wind patterns, sea surface temperatures, cloud formations, and the shape of the land.
“With so many variables, it’s often impossible to predict the exact path of a storm and the possible convective features in a storm’s early stages. And with rare or complex systems, like Hans, this uncertainty can persist right up until the hours before it strikes.
“So, even without certainty about the storm’s trajectory, we had to prepare people as much as we could.”
Severe weather warnings were issued across Finland. People were urged to stay home, airport staff tethered loose equipment to the ground, and emergency services prepared for potential chaos.
“In Norway and Sweden, Hans forced the evacuation of thousands due to severe flooding, with some rivers reaching their highest levels in 50 years,” says Jääskeläinen.