Conference ASPOT

EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference 2025

Lyon, France 15 - 19 September 2025

First Announcement and Call for Papers

Conference ASPOT
Conference ASPOT

The 2025 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference will take place in Lyon, France from 15 to 19 September. EUMETSAT will be joined in the organisation and hosting of the event by Météo-France, the national provider for weather and climate services in France.

Last Updated

17 January 2025

Published on

07 October 2024

Over the years, the EUMETSAT user conference has become a key annual event for the meteorological and scientific communities where participants from around the world can meet to share their experience and knowledge during plenary, poster and workshop sessions.

The theme of this year’s annual EUMETSAT conference is “From Space to Safety: Earth Observation for Future Weather and Climate Preparedness”.

Abstract submission

14 January 2025 – 8 February 2025

Submit your abstract here.

Session topics

The overarching theme emphasizes the pivotal role of satellite technology and Earth observation in addressing global challenges related to weather prediction, climate change, and environmental safety.

Each session-topic contributes to this narrative by highlighting advancements, opportunities, and strategies for leveraging space-based technologies for societal benefits.

After our initial call for session themes proposals, we have consolidated the following themes:

This session aims at providing an overview of National and International Programs for Environmental Satellites. We will invite the satellite operational agencies and research institutions to present their present and future horizons for Environmental satellite programmes. The first day's introductory session will provide an overview of National and International International EO programmes.

The EUMETSAT new generation fleets session, from GEO to LEO, aims to evaluate Meteosat 12's operations and its impact on nowcasting for high impact weather and other application areas. By 2025, we expect the launch of the first EUMETSAT polar system payload and a consolidated assessment of the Arctic Weather Satellite. The session will focus on scientific preparatory work to highlight application areas for the instruments, explore synergies with other missions, and incorporate AI and machine learning methods. We will focus around four key blocks with a leaning to operational meteorology:

  1. Meteosat Third Generation: Initial assessments and applications
  2. Preparation for second-generation LEO and Meteosat sounder
  3. Arctic Weather Satellites: Preliminary results review
  4. Synergies across platforms, considering both calibration and new unforeseen products

With advancements in impact weather forecasting and climate information into decision making processes, it's time to examine operational prediction systems. We invite abstracts on using satellite data for predictions from minutes to weeks, focusing on ocean, land, and atmosphere interactions and their impact on coupling modelling. We're interested in nowcasting methods, coupled prediction systems, data assimilation, and training machine learning with observations. The session provides an opportunity to share results from observation impact studies, improved data usage, and new machine learning capabilities. An invited talk for ECMWF's 50th anniversary will also be part of this session. The concept involves having four main blocks focused on operational meteorology with abstract covering:

  1. NWP and nowcasting: transitioning from traditional methods to machine learning, leveraging satellite data.
  2. Coupled Earth System interfaces: identifying impactful satellite data.
  3. Advanced data assimilation, AI, and post-processing: maximising satellite data usage.

The launch of Sentinel-6B and Sentinel-3C will extend the Copernicus altimeter constellation for 5 to 7 years. The Sentinel-3 Next Generation Topography mission will revolutionise satellite altimetry for weather and ocean forecasting. The climate data record of global and regional sea level change, now 32 years long, will surpass 50 years with the Sentinel-6 NG mission. We will assess the achievements of current altimetry data and discuss needs for upcoming missions, including applications in climate and ocean science, operational oceanography, and prediction systems.

This session delves into the evolving landscape of user requirements in the space sector, with a forward-looking approach to the next 5 to 20 years. Key discussions will include predicting the evolution of existing and emerging services, along with the development of platforms and tools that enhance service delivery. Participants will explore long-term trends in observational science, focusing on advancements in satellite-based and complementary technological solutions. Additionally, the session will address monitoring the architecture of the space sector, emphasizing innovative design scenarios and leveraging off-the-shelf solutions to meet future demands. Join us for insights into shaping the future of space-based services and technologies. This session will comprise four key blocks with abstracts and presentations covering:

  1. Special session on future mission requirements (invited speakers, a full day)
  2. A sub-session aiming to provide insights into shaping the future of space-based services and technologies, focusing on cost sustainability, innovation, and collaboration across various sectors. Advancing Low Earth Orbit programs, optimizing satellite and ground systems for cost efficiency, and strengthening service delivery through cross-sector partnerships define the future of space-based technologies.
  3. Enhancing our observational capabilities of Earth's system interfaces (i.e., Planetary Boundary Layer, chemistry and clouds, stratosphere and troposphere)
  4. Innovations in Earth Observation Retrieval Algorithms – AI and Traditional Approaches

Satellite data play an essential role in building the climate data record and trusted reference products, with simultaneous multi-decadal observations and multi-mission efforts, and from a holistic, Earth Systems perspective. They are essential drivers of downstream, multi-sector, user applications such as water management, just energy transition and any impact-based assessments and applications, including high-impact weather events at short lead times and longer time scales.

This session will cover the role of leveraging satellite data in decision-making, as the stimulant of innovation-driven applications across time scales, from weather prediction to the development of climate adaptation and resilience action plans, goals and strategies. Here we will have three key blocks with abstracts dealing with:

  1. The role of satellite data as drivers of innovation, user-centric applications and in decision-making
  2. The role of land and hydrological satellite products to support hazard forecasting and mitigation
  3. Cutting-edge research and practical applications of satellite data in energy meteorology

This session invites contributions showcasing innovative data practices, transformative AI applications, and multi-platform governance solutions that advance EO for climate science and adaptation, resilience planning, and sustainable environmental management. The idea would be to have four key blocks calling for abstract in:

  1. Open Science and FAIR Principles: How open-source tools, FAIR-compliant practices, and open-access platforms transform EO by enhancing transparency, collaboration, and data reuse.
  2. Big Data and Cloud Ecosystems: Insights into advanced platforms such as the Destination Earth Data Lake (DEDL), leveraging cloud-native formats, standardized metadata, and edge computing to process petabytes of data efficiently.
  3. How the Earth System Modelling and Observation communities use and see the evolution of the cloud and computing infrastructures?
  4. Supporting European Green Goals: Examining how cloud computing and AI-driven solutions facilitate climate resilience, carbon reduction, and sustainability initiatives aligned with the European Green Deal. Considering also opportunities and risks of solar radiation modification.

The Arctic sea ice is under rapid shrinking. This change is not only opening new opportunities for Arctic shipping and resource exploration, it is also raising new climate, environmental and ecological challenges in the Arctic. Due to harsh environment in the Arctic, satellite remote sensing has long been the main observation tool for this region. This session invites contributions of sea ice remote sensing and its applications for short-term and sub-seasonal to seasonal predictions and climate projects of the Arctic sea ice, with the purpose for sustainable explorations.

A special daily training session for forecasters will be organised along the conference week (2, 2.5 hours side event). The hands-on workshop will focus on the use of MTG FCI and LI data together with other measurement and NWP data in real-time storm monitoring, nowcast and forecast.

Abstract submissions

We invite you to submit an abstract for either an oral or a poster presentation. Posters will hang for the entire duration of the conference, with specific viewing times built into the programme.

Abstract submission will be open from 14 January 2025
Submission deadline is 8 February 2025

Abstracts should be submitted in English and be no longer than one page (A4). In the event of multiple authors, we kindly ask for one coordinated response. Please note that the person who submits the abstract will automatically be identified as the presenter and point of contact for future correspondence.

Each session theme will be assigned a panel of experts, constituting the Scientific Programme Committee (SPC), whose task will be to review abstracts for inclusion in the conference programme. Authors of selected abstracts will be notified (via e-mail) in mid-April 2025, after the SPC meeting.

Registration fees

The early registration conference fee (in-person) is 420 EUR. Further details on registration fees, deadlines and payment will be provided in the Second Announcement mid-May.

Early Career Scientist Initiative

EUMETSAT believes in fostering the scientists of the future, and invite applications for our early career scientist initiative. Applications are open from anyone aged 32 or younger who have up to 24 months of job experience. Eligible papers should cover any use and application of EUMETSAT satellite data along the main themes of the conference.

The Scientific Programme Committee will select five papers that receive an award, consisting of travel funding and free conference participation for the EUMETSAT conference in 2025. The selected papers will be especially promoted during the conference.

Please note that winners of previous awards are not eligible to apply for the award again, though they remain welcome to present their papers at the conference. Previous winners attending a future conference may also be invited to participate in the Scientific Programme Committee.

early careers 2023


The venue for our conference is the Lyon Convention Centre, offering modern conference facilities and generous exhibition and foyer spaces. It is located in the heart of the Renzo Piano designed Cité Internationale, a quarter in the 6th arrondissement of Lyon. The modern area offers a wide array of restaurants and entertainment opportunities, together with a direct access to the Parc de la Tête d'Or, Lyon’s biggest park.

Lyon is the third largest city in France situated at the confluence of the rivers Rhône and Saône. The city is recognised for its cuisine and gastronomy, as well as historical and architectural landmarks; as such, the districts of Old Lyon, the Fourvière hill, the Presqu'île and the slopes of the Croix-Rousse are named on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Lyon was historically an important area for the production and weaving of silk, and played a significant role in the history of cinema since Auguste and Louis Lumière invented the cinematograph there.


EUMETSAT offers interesting sponsorship options. If your institution is interested in sponsoring the conference, please contact for details.