EUMETSAT Conference 2014
22–26 September 2014, Geneva, Switzerland

The annual EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference
26 August 2020
22 September 2014
The 2014 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference (#EMSC2014 ) took place on 22 - 26 September 2014 in the beautiful lakeside city of Geneva, Switzerland. Situated where the Rhone exits Lake Geneva, Geneva is a global city, a financial centre, and worldwide centre for diplomacy thanks to the presence of numerous international organisations.
EUMETSAT was joined in the organisation and hosting of the event by MeteoSwiss, the national provider for weather and climate services in Switzerland.
You can see a selection of photographs from the event in the Facebook album .
The presentations made at the conference are now available for download. To download a presentation, click on the respective session and then on the button "Poster Presentations" or "Oral Presentations". You will be asked for a password when you open a file.
Only presentations from delegates who authorised EUMETSAT to published their presentations are available for download. The presentations are available to the participants of the conference only.
To download the Conference Proceedings, click on the respective session and then on the button "Poster Proceedings " or "Oral Proceedings".
Plenary talks
The plenary talks from the opening day of the conference, Monday 22 September 2014, are available here (password protected).
With the contribution of
With the contribution of