MTG-I1 Aspot image

Discovering MTG-I1 data using the SIFT visualisation tool

Online: 31 May 2023, 12:00-14:30 UTC

MTG-I1 Aspot image
MTG-I1 Aspot image

Demonstrating the multi-mission data visualisation tool SIF, which is suited for viewing and analysing data from MTG-I1 missions.

Last Updated

10 May 2023

Published on

10 May 2023

SIFT is an open-source software released by EUMETSAT and University of Wisconsin, which utilises the popular Satpy python-package for data reading. We also show an upgraded version of the web-based EUMETView tool. For the demonstration, we are using FCI data from the first acquisitions, as well as proxy datasets, and encourage active participation by the audience.

Questions can be posted by participants in an open, which you can access now using the event code #EUMSC38 or via the direct link. Each session requires registration via Zoom.

This session will be on 31 May 2023, 12:00-14:30 UTC.

Register for the session

The schedule and further information about registration can be found on the session page.

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