DIAS Information Day
10 November 2017, Darmstadt, Germany
EUMETSAT, together with the ECMWF and Mercator Océan, will hold an Information Day on the Copernicus Data Information and Access Service on 10 November
21 October 2020
10 November 2017
EUMETSAT, together with the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring (CAMS) and Climate Change Monitoring (C3S) Services operated by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and with the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS), operated by Mercator Océan, will hold an information day for European industry, representatives of other Copernicus service providers and future users on their upcoming Copernicus Data and Information Access Services (DIAS) platform, at its Darmstadt headquarters on 10 November.
The DIAS platform will be one of the functional elements of the Copernicus Integrated Ground Segment, funded by the EU.
The aim of the information day is to provide attendees with information about how EUMETSAT, the ECMWF and Mercator Océan will design their DIAS and to explain its development and its implementation logic.
We will present the planned approach to procurements, including the tentative schedule for the release of invitations to tender after their approval by the EC. We will also provide information on the functionalities foreseen in the DIAS. There will also be ample time for questions and feedback.
For more information about DIAS read here .
Please find below the agenda. To view the associated presentation, click on the linked title.
09h30 | Arrival and registration |
10h00 | EUMETSAT welcome and opening remarks |
10h10 | European Commission welcome and opening remarks |
10h20 | ECMWF welcome and opening remarks |
10h30 | Mercator welcome and opening remarks |
10h40 | DIAS context |
11h00 | EUMETSAT – MERCATOR – ECMWF DIAS initiative in a nutshell :
12h00 | Q/A session |
12h30 | Lunch break |
14h00 | DIAS project details :
15h00 | Q/A session |
15h30 | Closing remarks from all partners |
16h00 | End of day |