EUMETSAT manages the OC-SVC activities on behalf of the European Commission’s Copernicus Programme and is now preparing for the next phases of the development of the Copernicus Ocean Colour System Vicarious Calibration (OC-SVC) infrastructure.
OC-SVC is a fundamental requirement for all Ocean Colour missions and a pre-requisite for the delivery of quality Copernicus services. This infrastructure will provide in situ radiometric water measurements with the lowest achievable uncertainties, which will be used for the system vicarious calibration of the Copernicus Sentinel-3 OLCI (Ocean and Land Colour Instrument), the corresponding next-generation sensors as well as other Copernicus and international missions.
The event will combine higher-level programmatic presentations with more detailed technical presentations. Industry matchmaking, question and answer sessions and impromptu topical discussions will also be organised.
The aim of the OC-SVC information day is to:
- provide information on EUMETSAT’s plans for the next Copernicus OC-SVC phases: engineering design, development, deployment and testing, and operations;
- present the two candidates for Copernicus OC-SVC locations: El Hierro and South of Crete, and their plans for site development and future operations;
- gauge the interest of the European market for the design, development, deployment and future operations of the OC-SVC, and facilitate industry and expert matchmaking;
- give the floor to international partners to describe the potential for collaboration on Copernicus OC-SVC developments.
After the event, EUMETSAT will consider inviting potential bidders for expressions of interest to support its preparation of the next phase procurement call. EUMETSAT would like to invite all interested parties, potential bidders, collaboration partners and associated contributors to attend the day. You can register on the event website here.