2013 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference
16–20 September 2013, Vienna, Austria

Also incorporates the 19th American Meteorological Society AMS Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography, and Climatology Conference
13 October 2022
16 September 2013
Sharing knowledge, vision and experience, EUMETSAT and its US partners were pleased to welcome experts in the field of meteorology, climatology and the environment to the combined 2013 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference and the 19th Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology Conference of the American Meteorological Society (AMS).
The conference took place at the historic Hofburg Palace in Vienna on 16-20 September 2013. Photos of the event can be viewed and downloaded from our official Flickr channel.

The final Oral and Poster conference programmes are available for download under "Related Links" on the left of this page.
Presenters are invited to submit their Final Papers on http://www.conferences.eumetsat.int by 31 October 2013.
Oral presentations from the conference are available in a password-protected ZIP file, organised by day, downloadable in the table below. Only presentations from those presenters who have agreed to authorise EUMETSAT to make the presentation available will be posted.
Title | Description | Format | Size |
Participants | List of participants in the Joint EUMETSAT/AMS conference | ||
Day 1 | Presentations from Monday 16th September | ||
Day 2 | Presentations from Tuesday 17th September | 25 | |
Day 3 | Presentations from Wednesday 18th September | ||
Day 4 | Presentations from Thursday 19th September | ||
Day 5 | Presentations from Friday 20th September |
Session 1 - Current and future satellites, instruments and their applications
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Recent changes and developments in EUMETSAT operational winds | Regis Borde, Olivier Hautecoeur, Manuel Carranza, Marie Doutriaux-Boucher | |
Application of JPSS imagers and sounders to tropical cyclone track and intensity forecasting | Galina Chirokova, Mark DeMaria, Robert DeMaria, Jack Dostalek | |
Last improvements on operational geostationary winds at EUMETSAT | Marie Doutriaux-Boucher, Regis Borde, Manuel Carranza | |
Challenges for soil moisture retrieval from C-band backscatter measurements in arid and semi-arid environments | Sebastian Hahn, Wolfgang Wagner, Mariette Vreugdenhil, Thomas Melzer, Ayman Abdulrahman | |
3rd party data services at EUMETSAT | Thomas Heinemann, Susanne Dieterle, Simon Elliott | 0. |
Kalman filter retrieval of surface temperature and emissivity from SEVIRI observations and comparison with IASI and MODIS products | Guido Masiello, Carmine Serio, Marilena Amoroso, Giuliano Liuzzi, Sara Venafra, Umberto Amato, Italia De Feis, Philips Watts | 0. |
Vegetation modelling in WARP 6.0 | Thomas Melzer | 0. |
A verification study over Europe of AMSU-A/MHS and SSMIS passive microwave precipitation retrievals | Giulia Panegrossi, Daniele Casella , Stefano Dietrich, Paolo Sanò, Marco Petracca, Alberto Mugnai | 0. |
GCOM overview | Haruhisa Shimoda, Misako Kachi | 0. |
The Sentinel-4 mission, its components and implementation | Hendrik R. Stark, Hermann Ludwig Möller, Grégory Bazalgette Courrèges-Lacoste, Ben Veihelmann, Silvia Mezzasoma, Rob Koopman | 0. |
Robust Satellite Technique (RST-FIRES) for timely detection of forest fires by geostationary satellite data | Valerio Tramutoli, Carolina Filizzola, Giuseppe Mazzeo, Francesco Marchese, Rossana Paciello, Nicola Pergola, Rosita Corrado | 0. |
Progress on development of new products expected from Japanese follow-on geostationary meteorological satellites HIMAWARI-8/9 | Hiroaki Tsuchiyama, Toshiyuki Kurino, Masaya Takahashi |
Session 2 - Climate
Session 3 - Quantitative applications for nowcasting
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Automatic Cb detection for METAR weather messages using radar and satellite in Finnish Meteorological Institute | Otto Hyvärinen, Harri Hohti | 0. |
Improving the depiction of moisture transport in short-range forecasts of the pre-convective environment | William Line (presented by Ralph Petersen) | |
EUMETSAT Hydrological SAF H05 product development at C.N.M.C.A. | Antonio Vocino, Valentina Scappiti, Daniele Biron, Davide Melfi, Francesco Zauli, Massimiliano Sist, Antonio Agresta, Paolo Rosci, Luigi De Leonibus | 0. |
Session 4 - Societal benefits for user-focused communication of satellite data, products and services
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
METCAP+: Importance of analysing observations, satellite data, SAF products, Numerical Weather Forecasts on the same screen | Kemal Dokuyucu | |
Multisensory atmospheric data mapping system: A web-based graphic tool for multisensor observations of atmospheric data and NWP model forecast | Marco Petracca, Daniele Casella, Stefano Dietrich, Giulia Panegrossi, Paolo Sanò | |
Systematic approach for the transition of research algorithms to operation products for real-time processing and end-user applications | T Scott Zaccheo, Edward Kennelly, David Hogan, Edward Kennelly, Alex Werbos | 0.8 |
CM4SH: A cross hemispheric project about Conceptual Models (CM) | Veronika Zwatzmeise, Vesa Nietosvaara | 0. |
Session 5 - Data access for easy utilisation
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Processing HRIT MSG data with Meteosatlib for ARPA-SIMC real time operational applications | Miria Celano, Enrico Zini, Daniele Branchini, Stefano Costa, Pier Paolo Alberoni | 0.8 |
Sustained data access and tools as key ingredients to strengthening EO capacities: Examples from land application perspective | Tim Jacobs, Bruno Smets, Herman Eerens, Dominique Haesen, Carolien Tote, Sandra Coelho, Isabel Trigo, Ben Maathuis, Sergio de Paula Pereira, Mónica Díez | 0. |
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
GFA meteorological and climatological open data for Castilla y León | Ángel Manuel Guerrero-Higueras, Andrés Merino, Laura López, José Luis Sánchez, Vicente Matellán, Eduardo García-Ortega, José Luis Marcos, Estíbaliz Gascón, Lucía Hermida | 0. |
Service EUMETSAT as an integration into the GEO system in Kazakhstan | Lyudmila Shagarova | 0. |
Session 6 - Satellite-based observations of the oceans
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
An empirical sunglint index for GOME-2 | Steffen Beirle, Marloes Penning de Vries, Thomas Wagner, Rüdiger Lang | |
Comparison between CCMP, QuikSCAT and buoy winds along the Iberian Peninsula coast | David Carvalho, Alfredo Rocha, Moncho Gómez-Gesteira, Ines Alvarez, Carlos Silva Santos | 0. |
ASCAT full resolution backscatter product | Julia Figa Saldaña, Craig Anderson, Mirko Santuari, Hans Bonekamp, Colin Duff, Julian Wilson | 0. |
Long term performance monitoring of ASCAT-A intrument and Level 1 products | Julia Figa Saldaña, Craig Anderson, Helmut Bauch, Colin Duff, James Miller, Julian Wilson | 0. |
Verification of OSISAF Sea Surface Temperature (METOP, MSG and NOAA) over North Adiratic in 2012 | Mateja Irsic Zibert | |
IASI L2Pcore sea surface temperature | Anne O'Carroll, Thomas August, Marc Crapeau, Tim Hultberg, Bertrand Theodore | 0. |
A Diurnal Warming dedicated Matchup Data Base examples and preliminary validation results | Sonia Pere, Anne Marsouin, Gerard Legendre, Pierre Le Borgne | |
DINEOF-based bias correction of SEVIRI sea surface temperature using Metop-A/AVHRR and ENVISAT/AATSR SST | Igor Tomazic, Aida Alvera-Azcárate, Alexander Barth, Jean-Marie Beckers, Françoise Orain |
Session 7 - Water vapour observations from satellites
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Estimation of daily evapotranspiration over East Asia based on multi-satellite data | Soo-Jae Park, Mi-Lim Ou, Young-Jean Choi, Kyung-Soo Han (presented by Youngmi Kim) | 0. |
Water vapor measurements over northern Finland | Rigel Kivi, Jukka Kujanpää, Osmo Aulamo, Xavier Calbet, Francois Montagner, Petteri Survo, Hannu Jauhiainen, Johanna Lentonen, Heikki Turtiainen, Holger Vömel | 0. |
Water Vapour data usage during the powerful convection events in Lithuania in 2012 | Izolda Marcinoniene | 0. |
Session 8 - Instrument calibration and characterisation
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
On thin ice? Contamination effects on Meteosat/SEVIRI calibration | Tim Hewison, Johannes Müller, Rebeca Gutierrez | 0. |
Analysis of COMS infrared channel calibration | Dohyeong Kim, Minjin Choi | |
COMS visible channel calibration | Dohyeong Kim | 0. |
Session 9 - Modeling and assimilation of water vapour, clouds and precipitation
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Enhancing the use of hyperspectral radiances in the water vapour absorption band at ECMWF | Reima Eresmaa | 0.8 |
Experimental assimilation of space-borne cloud radar and lidar observations at ECMWF | Marta Janiskova, Sabatino DiMichele, Edouard Martins | |
Assimilation of water vapor sensitive infrared brightness temperatures during a high impact weather event | Jason Otkin, Jason Otkin | 0. |
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
A new ice cloud parametrization in the infrared for RTTOV-11: Model and comparison with other RTTOV parametrizations against A-Train observations | Jerome Vidot, Pascal Brunel, Anthony Baran |
Session 10 - Cloud observation from satellites, including 30 years ISCCP
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Global cloud trends derived from a decade of polar-orbiting hyperspectral sounder measurements | Elisabeth Weisz, Nadia Smith, W. Paul Menzel, Bryan Baum, William L. Smith |
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Impact of in-line clear sky simulations expected for the NWCSAF/GEO Cloud Mask | Marcel Derrien, Hervé Le Gléau, Marie-Paule Raoul | |
Towards understanding differences of cloud observation retrievals from passive imagers | Ulrich Hamann, Andi Walther, Ralf Bennartz, Anke Thoss, Jan Fokke Meirink, Rob Roebeling | |
The adiabatic cloud model as diagnostic for the first indirect aerosol effect based on MSG SEVIRI and ground observations | Daniel Merk, Hartwig Deneke, Patric Seifert, Albert Ansmann, Bernhard Pospichal | 0. |
Characteristics of embedded warm areas and surrounding cold rings and cold-Us | Michaela Radova, Jindrich Stastka, Jakub Seidl | 0. |
Relationship between brightness temperature difference field above convective storms and other meteorological variables | Jindrich Stastka, Michaela Radova | |
Overshooting tops: Characteristics and properties | Michaela Valachova, Martin Setvak, Jindrich Stastka |
Session 11 - Atmospheric composition
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Creating a satellite-based record of tropospheric ozone | Hilke Oetjen, Vivienne H. Payne, Susan S. Kulawik, Annmarie Eldering, John Worden, David P. Edwards, Gene L. Francis, Helen M. Worden | |
Correlation between atmospheric composition and vertical structure as measured by three generations of hyperspectral sounders in space | Nadia Smith, Elisabeth Weisz, Hung-Lung Huang, William L. Smith |
Session 12 - Satellite impact on NWP
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
All-sky assimilation of SSMI/S humidity sounding channels over land | Fabrizio Baordo | 0. |
Accounting for inter-channel error correlations in the assimilation of AIRS and IASI data at ECMWF | Niels Bormann | |
Early-morning-orbit observing system simulation experiments in the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation | Sean Casey, Lars Peter Riishojgaard, Michiko Masutani, Jack Woollen, Tong Zhu, Robert Atlas | 0.8 |
Satellite radiance assimilation impact in new Canadian ensemble-variational system | Louis Garand, Mark Buehner, Stephen MacPherson, Sylvain Heilliette, Alain Beaulne | 0. |
Preliminary assessment of GCOM-W1/AMSR2 radiance data with a Numerical Weather Prediction model | Masahiro Kazumori | 8 |
Use and impacts of satellite observations in GRAPES | Yan Liu, Jishan Xue | 0. |
AMVs in the ECMWF system: Highlights of recent operational and research activities | Kirsti Salonen, Niels Bormann |
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Assimilation of ATMS data in the ECMWF system | Niels Bormann, Anne Fouillou | |
Extending the use of microwave sounding data over sea-ice in the ECMWF system | Niels Bormann, Enza Di Tomaso, Stephen English | 0. |
Comparison of simulated radiance fields using RTTOV and CRTM at microwave frequencies in KOPS framework | Ju-Hye Kim, Jeon-Ho Kang, Hyoung-Wook Chun, Sihye Lee |
Session 13 - Advances in understanding cloud precipitation processes, with emphasis on satellite remote sensing and climate applications
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Using FY-2 high temporal resolution regional scan data to monitor strong convective cloud | Jian Liu, Jianyin Jiang |
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Comparison of the precipitation products of Hydrology SAF with the convective rainfall rate of Nowcasting-SAF and the Multispectral Precipitation Estimate of EUMETSAT | Judit Kerenyi |
Session 14 - Satellite-based observations of the cryosphere
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
MSG/SEVIRI and Metop/AVHRR snow extent products in H-SAF | Niilo Siljamo, Otto Hyvärinen | |
Satellite based snow cover validation and long term trand analysis over Türkiye | Ibrahim Sonmez, Ahmet E. Tekeli, Erdem Erdi | 0. |
Snow melting processes modelling with use of satellite information | Piotr Struzik |
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Aspect of Arctic sea ice change based on satellite observation | Youngmi Kim, Mi-Lim Ou, Young-Hwa Kim |
With the contribution of
Austrospace | Lockheed Martin |
Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. | Northrop Grumman |
Cinesat | Ruag |
FFG | Scisys |
GeoMetWatch | Serco |
HE Space | SSEC |
Kongsberg |