2009 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference
21–25 September 2009, Bath, United Kingdom

Bath, United Kingdom, 21 - 25 September 2009
Last Updated
09 August 2021
Published on
21 September 2009
ISBN 978-92-9110-086-6
ISSN 1011-3932
Browse the documents in the tables below, arranged by session, and download each of them in PDF format.
SESSION 1. Future satellites and applications
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Recent developments in a passive sub millimetre-wave radiometry mission for operational meteorology and climatology | Janet Charlton, Stefan Buehler, Brian Moyna, Clare Lee, Simon Chalkley, Peter de Maagt, Ville Kangas, Karsten Strauch, Kristof Gantois | |
Exploring the behaviour of GOES-R atmospheric motion vector (AMV) errors through simulation studies | Steve Wanzong, Christopher S. Velden, Hung-Lung Huang, Jason A. Otkin, Thomas J. Greenwald, Mathew M. Gunshor, Jaime Daniels, Wayne Bresky | |
JAXA's future Earth observation missions for meteorological and climatological applications | Misako Kachi, Keiji Imaoka, Hiroshi Murakami, Masahiro Hori, Shuichiro Katagiri, Shuji Shimizu, Riko Oki, Tamotsu Igarashi | |
Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) Status of Space Segment definition | Donny M. A. Aminou, D. Lamarre, Hendrik Stark, Paul Blythe, Gary Fowler, S. Gigli, Rolf Stuhlmann, Sergio Rota | |
WVSS-II Moisture Observations: A low-cost tool for validating and monitoring asynoptic satellite data | Ralph Petersen, Sarah Bedka, Wayne Feltz, Erik Olson, David Helms | |
The GMES missions related to atmospheric composition | Paul Ingmann, Jöerg Langen, Grégory Bazalgette Courrèges-Lacoste , Marco Arcioni, Ellen Brinksma, Ben Veihelmann |
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
The Meteosat Data Collection System | Sean Burns | |
Sensitivity analysis of MTG-IRS L2 prototype concept | Xavier Calbet, Stephen Tjemkes, Rolf Stuhlmann | |
In flight calibration of SEVIRI solar channels on board MSG platforms | Dominique Jolivet, Jean-Marc Nicolas, Emilien Bernard, Didier Ramon , Pierre-Yves Deschamps | |
Developing a neural network algorithm to calculate TPW and layer perceptible water from GPM microwave imagery | Miguel A. Martinez, Francisco J. Tapiador, Cecilia Marcos, Antonio Rodriguez | |
A fast radiative transfer model for simulating radiances of the Stratospheric Wind Interferometer for Transport Studies satellite instrument | David Turner, Yves Rochon |
SESSION 2. Nowcasting
SESSION 3. Atmospheric composition
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Retrieval of atmospheric CO2 from satellite near-infrared nadir spectra in a scattering atmosphere | Maximilian Reuter, M. Buchwitz, O. Schneising, J. Heymann, H. Bovensmann, J.P. Burrows | |
Height resolved ozone hole structure as observed by GOME-2 | Jacob van Peet, R. J. van der A, A. T. J. de Laat, O. N. E. Tuinder, G. König-Langlo, J. Wittig | |
Ozone profile retrieval from GOME-2/Metop | Georgina Miles, Barry Latter, Richard Siddans, Brian Kerridge | |
SEVIRI Fire Radiative Power and the MACC Atmospheric Services | Johannes W. Kaiser, Martin Wooster, Gareth Roberts, Martin Schultz, Johannes Flemming, Jean-Jacques Morcrette, Angela Benedetti, Antje Dethof, Richard Engelen, Luke Jones, Guido van der Werf | |
Daily Estimates of the Tropospheric Aerosol Optical Thickness over Land Surface from MSG Geostationary Observations | Olivier Hautecoeur, Jean-Louis Roujean, Dominique Carrer, Thierry Elias | |
An alert system for volcanic SO2 emissions using satellite measurements | Jos Van Geffen, Michel Van Roozendael, Jeroen Van Gent, Pieter Valks, Meike Rix, Ronald Van der A, Pierre Coheur, Cathy Clerbaux, Lieven Clarisse | 8 |
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Carbon monoxide retrieval within the operational IASI LEVEL-2 processor, training and validation results | Thomas August, Tim Hultberg, Rosemary Munro, Olusoji Oduleye, Peter Schlüssel, Xavier Calbet, Arlindo Arriaga | |
Comparison of performance of three different MODIS AOD algorithms using hand-held Sun photometer measurements at the Hong Kong International Airport | Pak Wai Chan, C.M. Cheng, J. Kim | |
H2CO columns retrieved from GOME-2: first scientific results and progress towards the development of an operational product | Isabelle De Smedt, Jenny Stavrakou, Jean-François Müller, Michel Van Roozendael, Diego Loyola, Nan Hao, Pieter Valks | |
Validation of GOME-2 Ozone Profiles, using balloon sounding data | Andy Delcloo, Olaf Tuinder | |
Intercomparison of O3M SAF OUV and OMI/Aura OMUVBL3 Surface UV Products | Niilo Kalakoski, Jukka Kujanpää, Anders Lindfors, Johanna Tamminen, Antti Arola | |
Observations of water vapor profiles over Northern Finland by satellite and balloon borne instruments | Rigel Kivi, Osmo Aulamo, Pauli Heikkinen, Seppo Hassinen, Jukka Kujanpää, Xavier Calbet, Francois Montagner, Holger Vömel | |
Operational monitoring of volcanic SO2 emissions using the GOME-2 satellite instrument | Meike Rix, Pieter Valks, Jos Van Geffen, Cordelia Maerker, Katrin Seidenberger, Thilo Erbertseder, Michel Van Roozendael, Nan Hao, Diego Loyola |
SESSION 4. Land Surface
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Land Surface Albedo from MSG/SEVIRI: Retrieval Method, Validation and application for weather forecast | Olivier Hautecoeur, Bernhard Geiger, Jean-Louis Roujean, Catherine Meurey, Dominique Carrer, Jean-François Mahouf, Laurent Franchistéguy, Jure Cedilnik | |
Monitoring vegetation using DOAS satellite observations: creating a set of reference spectra | Ellen Eigemeier, Steffen Beirle, Thierry Marbach, Thomas Wagner, Ulrich Platt, A. Preusser | |
Compatibility and integration of NDVI data obtained from AVHRR/NOAA and SEVIRI/MSG sensors | Gabriele Poli, Giulia Adembri, Maurizio Tommasini, Monica Gherardelli | |
Validation results of the operational LSA-SAF snow cover mapping | Niilo Siljamo, Otto Hyvärinen |
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
A simple physically based model of diurnal cycles of land surface temperature | Frank Göettsche, Folke Olesen | |
Validation of land surface temperatures obtained from METEOSAT-MVIRI and SEVIRI with in-situ measurements | Frank Göttsche, Folke Olesen | |
Towards a global LST from AVHRR/METOP | Isabel Monteiro, Isabel Trigo, Sandra C. Freitas | |
Preliminary results on the retrieval of Land Surface Temperature from MSG-SEVIRI data in Eastern Spain | Raquel Niclòs, Jose A. Valiente , Maria J. Barberà, Maria J. Estrela, Joan M. Galve, Vicente Caselles | |
Monitoring of land surface temperatures based on SEVIRI/Meteosat-9 measurements | Serge Uspensky, Valery Solovjiev, Alexander Uspensky | |
Assessment of thermal conditions in urban areas with use of different satellite data and GIS | Jakub Walawender, Monika Hajto |
Session 5. Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) Services
There were no final papers submitted for this session.
SESSION 6. Monitoring climate and understanding climate processes with satellites
SESSION 7. Hyperspectral sounding
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Performance of the NOAA-16 and AIRS temperature soundings over India | Devendra Singh |
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
An investigation into the performance of retrievals of temperature and humidity from IASI | Fiona Hilton, Paolo Antonelli, Xavier Calbet, Tim Hultberg, Lydie Lavanant, Xu Liu, Daniel Zhou, Guido Masiello, Carmine Serio, Stuart Newman, Jonathan Taylor |
SESSION 8. Numerical Weather Prediction applications
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Land surface emissivity at microwave frequencies: operational implementation in the French 4D-VAR global system and impact of using surface sensitive channels on the African Monsoon during AMMA | Élisabeth Gérard, Fatima Karbou, Florence Rabier, Jean-Philippe Lafore, Jean-Luc Redelsperger | |
Developments in the use of ATVOS data at ECMWF | Niels Bormann, Blazej Krzeminski, Peter Bauer | |
Monitoring and Assimilation of FY3A data at ECMWF | Qifeng Lu, William Bell, Peter Bauer, Niels Bormann, Marco Matricardi, Alan Geer, Tony McNally, Dingmin Li, Blazej Krzeminski, Roger Saunders, Peter Rayer, Pascal Brunel | |
Atmospheric Motion Vectors: a summary of worldwide activities to improve their impact in Numerical Weather Prediction | Mary Forsythe, Regis Borde, Kenneth Holmlund, Johannes Schmetz, Niels Bormann, Iliana Genkova, Lueder von Bremen, Jaime Daniels, Christopher Velden, Steve Wanzong, Roger Saunders | |
Global atmospheric motion vectors inter-comparison study | Iliana Genkova, Regis Borde, Johannes Schmetz, Ken Holmlund, Jaime Daniels, Chris Velden, Niels Bormann, Peter Bauer | |
Assimilation of GRAS GPS radio occultation measurements at ECMWF | Sean Healy | |
The quality of the ASCAT 12.5 km wind product | Jur Vogelzang, Ad Stoffelen, Maria Belmonte, Anton Verhoef, Jeroen Verspeek |