2008 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference
08–12 September 2008, Darmstadt

Darmstadt, Germany 8 - 12 September 2008
Last Updated
13 October 2022
Published on
08 September 2008
ISBN 978-92-9110-082-8
ISSN 1011-3932
Browse the documents in the tables below, arranged by session, and download each of them in PDF format.
SESSION 1. Future systems
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Meteosat Third Generation: Progress on Space Segment System Feasibility Studies: Payload Aspects | Donny M. A. Aminou, Hendrik Stark, Wolfgang Schumann, Gary Fowler, Antonio Rodriguez, Rolf Stuhlmann | 16 |
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Coverage requirements for the Post-EPS Radio Occultation Mission | Christophe Accadia, Peter Schlüssel, Axel von Engeln | |
First Results of the MTG Ground Segment Phase A Study | Stephan Recher, Peter Scheidgen, Michael Henke, Richard Corkill, Roger Thompson | |
The "Boreas" Concept for Imaging Polar Winds from the Iridium-NEXT constellation | Lars Peter Riishojgaard, Dennis Chesters | |
Geo-Oculus: A Mission for Real-Time Monitoring through High Resolution Imaging from Geostationary Orbit | Ulrich Schull, Thiemo Knigge |
SESSION 2. Future sensors and calibration
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Inter-calibration of Meteosat imagers and IASI | Tim Hewison, Marianne König | |
Satellite Data Validation in Sodankylä, Northern Finland; EPS Validation Campaign in 2007 | Osmo Aulamo, Rigel Kivi, Anna Kontu, Pauli Heikkinen | |
Combining ground-based remote sensing and balloon-borne profile measurements in Lindenberg (Richard-Aßmann-Observatory) for IASI-Validation: methods, availability, and accuracy | Bernd Stiller, Klemens Barfus, Horst Dier, Ulrich Görsdorf, Franz H. Berger, Ulrich Löhnert, François Montagner, Xavier Calbet | |
Simulation of Meteosat Third Generation - Lightning Imager through Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission - Lightning Imaging Sensor data | Daniele Biron, Luigi De Leonibus, Francesco Zauli, Davide Melfi, Paolo Laquale, Demetrio Labate | |
Impact of changes to SEVIRI level 1.5 radiances on the Land-SAF Land Surface Temperature | Isabel Trigo, Carla Barroso, Sandra Freitas, Pedro Viterbo |
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Monitoring the calibration of METEOSAT first and second generation radiance data using HIRS measurements | Bertrand Theodore, Thomas Heinemann | |
Investigation of GOES Imager 13 µm Channel Cold Bias | Xiangqian Wu, T. Schmit, R. Galvin, M. Gunshor, T. Hewison, M. Koenig, Y. Tahara, D. Blumstein, Y. Li, S. Sohn, M. Goldberg | 63 |
SESSION 3. Oceanography
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
The EUMETSAT Ocean and Sea Ice SAF (OSI SAF): a contribution to operational oceanography | Guenole Guevel | |
Model and observation bias correction in altimeter ocean data assimilation in FOAM | Daniel Lea, Keith Haines, Matthew Martin | |
The relationship between Aviso and MyOcean | Frederique Blanc | |
The GOCI Instrument on COMS Mission – the First Geostationary Ocean Colour Imager | François Faure, Pierre COSTE, GmSil KANG | |
Calibration and Validation of ASCAT Backscatter | Craig Anderson, Hans Bonekamp, Julia Figa, Julian JW Wilson, Arthur de Smet, Colin Duff | |
The SeaWinds Data Processor | Jur Vogelzang, Ad Stoffelen, Marcos Portabella, Anton Verhoef, Jeroen Verspeek, Maria Belmonte | |
High-resolution ASCAT scatterometer winds near the coast | Marcos Portabella, Ad Stoffelen, Maria Belmonte, Anton Verhoef, Jeroen Verspeek, Jur Vogelzang |
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
First validations of the operational IASI L2 surface temperature | Thomas August, Tim Hultberg, Xavier Calbet, Peter Schlüssel, Olusoji Oduleye, Arlindo Arriaga | |
An angular and emissivity dependent algorithm to determine sea surface temperature from MSG-SEVIRI data | Raquel Niclos, Maria Jose Estrela, Jose Antonio Valiente, Maria Jesus Barbera | |
Quality of high resolution ASCAT wind fields | Jur Vogelzang, Ad Stoffelen, Marcos Portabella, Anton Verhoef, Jeroen Verspeek, Maria Belmonte |
SESSION 4. Climate monitoring with operational satellites
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Satellite-based climate products for alpine studies within the Swiss GCOS activities | Nando Foppa, Julia Walterspiel, Andreas Asch, Gabriela Seiz | |
Plans for the Reprocessing of Meteosat Image Data | Christopher Hanson, Volker Gärtner | |
SAT-KLIM: using satellite-derived cloud products for operational climate monitoring | Helga Nitsche, Ute Maier | |
Bulk aerosol optical properties over the western North Pacific estimated by MODIS and CERES measurements: Coastal sea versus Open sea | Hye-Ryun Oh, Yong-Sang Choi, Chang-Hoi Ho, Rokjin Park, Chang-Geon Song | |
Impact of broken and inhomogeneous clouds on satellite cloud-phase retrieval | Erwin Wolters, Hartwig Deneke, Jan Fokke Meirink, Rob Roebeling |
SESSION 5. Nowcasting
SESSION 6. Data services for real time application
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Standardized Data Access Services for GOME-2/MetOp Atmospheric Trace Gas Products | Torsten Heinen, Bernhard Buckl, Thilo Erbertseder, Stephan Kiemle, Diego Loyola |
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Better use of correlation information in AMV extraction scheme | Regis Borde, Arthur De Smet, Greg Dew |
SESSION 7. Advanced sounding
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Using AEROSE-Domain SEVIRI Data for Legacy Sounding Product from the GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager | Nicholas Nalli, Hua Xie, Christopher Barnet, Mitchell Goldberg |
SESSION 8. Monitoring land use
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Mapping the daily risk of fire in continental Portugal | Teresa Calado, Carlos DaCamara, Célia Gouveia | |
The Operational MSG/SEVIRI Fire Radiative Power Product Generated at the Land SAF | Yves Govaerts, Martin Wooster, Gareth Roberts, Patrick Freeborn, Weidong Xu, Alessio Lattanzio, Isabel Trigot | |
Active fire monitoring over Bulgaria: validation of SEVIRI FIR product | Julia Stoyanova, Christo Georgiev, Dilyana Yordanova, Krasimir Mladenov | |
Fire detection and monitoring over Africa | Malik Amraoui, Carlos C. Dacamara, José M.C. Pereira | |
Towards an improved Active Fire Monitoring Product for MSG satellites | Sauli Joro, Hans-Joachim Lutz, Leo van de Berg, Ahmet Yildirim, Olivier Samain | |
Global monitoring of annual vegetation cycles using DOAS satellite observations | Ellen Eigemeier, Steffen Beirle, Thomas Wagner, Ulrich Platt, A. Schubert | |
Validation activities preparation for SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) land products at the Valencia anchor station | Ernesto Lopez-Baeza, R. Acosta, M.C. Antolin, J. Balling, F. Belda, C. Bouzinac, A. Cano, S. Delwart, C. Domenech, A.G. Ferreira, S. Juglea, Y. Kerr, C. Millan-Scheiding, C. Narbon, D. Rodriguez, K. Saleh, J. Sanchis, N. Skou, S. Søbjærg, S. Tauriainen, A. Velazquez-Blazquez, S. Vidal, J.-P. Wigneron, P. Wursteisen |
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Study of the relationship between surface net radiation and soil heat flux by using valencia anchor station ground measurements and GERB/SEVIRI data | Antonio Geraldo Ferreira, Almudena Velázquez Blázquez, Emilio Soria, Ernesto Lopez-Baeza, Javier Sanchís Muñoz | |
Land surface temperature retrieved from SEVIRI /MSG2 data: Algorithm and Validation | Mariam Atitar, José Antonio Sobrino, Juan Carlos Jiménez-Muñoz, Yves Julien, Ana Belen Ruescas, Guillem Soria, Jean Pierre Wigneron | |
On the use of MIR reflectance for burned area identification | Renata Libonati, Carlos DaCamara, José Miguel Cardoso Pereira, Alberto Setzer, Leonardo F. Peres | |
Representing EUMETSAT’s active fire monitoring product by Google Earth over Türkiye | Ahmet Tekeli, Ibrahim Sönmez, Erdem Erdi , Fatih Demir, Murat Arslan, Meral L. Cukurcayir, Hakan Koçak, Serkan Eminoðlu |
SESSION 9. Activities for learning in meteorology
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Modernisation of forecaster’s training at BTZ Langen | Wilfried Jacobs, Hans Bauer | |
Distance Learning in Satellite Meteorology using VISITview | Tom Whittaker | |
Continuous Meteorological Training in Southern Africa and the use of visit view | Winifred Jordaan | |
SatRep Online – training satellite meteorology in combination with NWP | Jarno Schipper, Vesa Nietosvaara | |
Experiences on running a blended learning course for operational forecasters | Vesa Nietosvaara, Jaakko Karppanen | |
Working with EUMETSAT data and IDV (integral part of McIDAS-V) –strong convection over the Empty Quarter (Rub’ Al Khali) | HansPeter Roesli |
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
The Eumetcal international cooperation network for meteorological and hydrological training | Jaakko Karppanen | |
Meteorological Virtual Training Laboratory (VTL) at the WMO RTC in the Russian Federation | Maria Mamaeva, Anatoly Bogush, Grigory Chichasov | |
MeteoCAL: a tool for interactive HTML-based training on meteorology | Jose Prieto | |
Basic Radar Altimetry Toolbox & Tutorial | Vinca Rosmorduc, Jérôme Benveniste, Nicolas Picot, Sander Niemeijer |
SESSION 10. Hydrometeorology
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
The precipitation products generation chain for the EUMETSAT Hydrological Satellite Application Facility at C.N.M.C.A. | Daniele Biron, Francesco Zauli, Davide Melfi | |
Methods used for the validation of the satellite-derived Precipitation Products, part of the Hydrology SAF in Hungary | Eszter Lábó, Judit Kerényi, Silvia Puca | |
Operational mapping of snowcover using MSG/SEVIRI data | Niilo Siljamo, Otto Hyvärinen | 15 |
Belgian contribution to the validation of the precipitation products of the Hydrology-SAF: methodology developed and preliminary results | Hans Van de Vyver, Emmanuel Roulin |
SESSION 11. Towards operational monitoring of atmospheric composition from space systems
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
GOME-2 Mission and Product Validation Status | Rosemary Munro, Ruediger Lang, Yakov Livschitz, Jukka Kujanpää, Diego Loyola, Pieter Valks, Olaf Tuinder, Piet Stammes | |
GMES Sentinels 4 and 5 - atmospheric composition monitoring from space | Paul Ingmann, Joerg Langen, Grégory Bazalgette Courrèges-Lacoste, Marco Arcioni, Yasjka Meijer | |
Optimal estimation and joint retrieval of aerosol load and surface reflectance using MSG/SEVIRI observations: comparison with AERONET and MODIS aerosol products | Sebastien Wagner, Yves Govaerts, Philip Watts, Alessio Lattanzio | |
Ozone Profile Climatology Products from 8 years NNORSY-GOME Data Set | Jasmine Kaptur, Anton Kaifel | |
Greenhouse gases from SCIAMACHY/ENVISAT nadir observations: CO2 and CH4 during 2003-2005 | Michael Buchwitz, Oliver Schneising, Maximilian Reuter, Heinrich Bovensmann, John P. Burrows | |
Satellite observations of tropospheric NO2 columns over South Eastern Europe | Irene Zyrichidou, M.E. Koukouli, D.S. Balis, E. Katragkou, A. Poupkou, I. Kioutsioukis, R. van der A, R. Dirksen, M. van Roozendael, A. Richter | |
Detection and Monitoring of Sulfur Dioxide from Satellite-based UV Sensors | Arlin Krueger, George Serafino, Gilberto Vicente, Nick Krotkov, Simon Carn |
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
ANN ozone retrieval within the operational IASI Level 2 processor | Thomas August, Olusoji Oduleye, Peter Schlüssel, Rosemary Munro, Xavier Calbet, Arlindo Arriaga, Tim Hultberg, Juliette Hadji-Lazaro, Solène Turquety, Cathy Clerbaux | |
Validation of GOME2 Ozone Profiles for mid- and Nordic latitudes, using balloon sounding data | Andy Delcloo, Hugo De Backer | |
Aerosol monitoring over land using MSG/SEVIRI | Dominique Jolivet, Emilien Bernard, Didier Ramon, Pierre-Yves Deschamps, Jérôme Riedi, Jean-Marc Nicolas, Olivier Hagolle | |
O3M SAF Surface UV Product: the First Year Results | Jukka Kujanpää, Niilo Kalakoski, Tapani Koskela, Antti Arola, Simo Tukiainen, Johanna Tamminen | |
GOME-2 Level 1b Operational Product Validation Status | Ruediger Lang, Rosemary Munro, Yakov Livschitz, Richard Dyer, Michael Eisinger, Abelardo Pérez-Albiñana | |
IASI EOF and ANN Retrieved Total Columnar Amounts Ozone, Compared to Ozone Sonde and Brewer Spectrometer Measurements from the Lindenberg and Sodankylä Validation Campaigns | Olusoji Oduleye, T. August, X. Calbet, P. Schluessel, A. Arriaga, T. Hultberg, O. Aulamo, R. Kivi, B. Stiller, K. Barfus | |
Near-real-time estimation of spectral surface albedo from GOME-2/Metop measurements | Bringfried Pflug, Bernd Aberle, Diego Loyola, Pieter Valks | |
On the use of the MAXDOAS technique for the validation of tropospheric NO2 column measurements from satellite | Gaia Pinardi, Francois Hendrick, Katrijn Clémer, Jean-Christopher Lambert, Michel Van Roozendael, Jianhui Bai |
SESSION 12. Numerical Weather Prediction applications
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Recent developments in assimilation of satellite data in the MSC 4D-Var analysis and forecast system | Stephen Macpherson, L. Garand, J. Aparicio, M.Buehner, G. Deblonde, M. Charron, M. Roch, C. Charette, A. Beaulne | |
Progress toward the assimilation of AIRS and IASI cloudy infrared radiances at CMC | Sylvain Heilliette, Louis Garand | |
GRAS Radio Occultation Measurements onboard Metop | Axel von Engeln, Christian Marquardt, Yago Andres, Leonid Butenko, Eoin O'Clerigh, Francisco Sancho, Dieter Klaes | |
Use of clear SEVIRI radiances in the MetOffice Meso-scale Assimilation system | Graeme Kelly, Peter Francis | |
Assimilation of SEVIRI cloud-top parameters in the Met Office regional forecast model | Peter Francis, Ruth Taylor, Richard Renshaw, Roger Saunders | |
Use of satellite observation for constraining cloud scheme in a cloud resolving model | Jean-Pierre Chaboureau, Jean-Pierre Pinty |