2004 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference
31 May–04 June 2004, Prague, Czech Republic
Prague, Czech Republic, 31 May - 4 June 2004
Last Updated
26 August 2020
Published on
31 May 2004
EUM P.41
Browse the documents in the tables below, arranged by session, and download each of them in PDF format.
Session I: Current and Future Satellite Programmes and Systems
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
EUMETSAT geostationary and low Earth orbit programmes: Status and plans (abstract) | Alain Ratier | |
NOAA's current and future satellite programmes and systems | Gregory Withee, James Gurka | |
Implementation activities within the WMO space programme | Donald Hinsman | |
NOAA/EUMETSAT polar satellite cooperation as a model for international bilateral and multilateral cooperation in Earth observation (abstract) | Brent Smith | |
China's current and future meteorological satellites systems | Chaohua Dong | |
Plans for the GOES-R series and comparing the advanced baseline imager to that on Meteosat-8 | James Gurka | |
Advanced technology opportunities for future environmental satellite systems | Gerald Dittberner, James Gurka | |
New Earth explorer missions in support of atmospheric science and application recommended for implementation | Paul Ingmann | |
EPS programme: Mission and products | Dieter Klaes | 1. |
IASI on Metop: Project status (abstract) | Thierry Phulpin |
Session II: Meteorological Applications/MSG (Meteosat-8) Early Results
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
A new approach to fog detection using SEVIRI and MODIS data | Jan Cermak | 1. |
Improvement of MODIS thin cirrus detection: Preliminary study using NIR 1.6µm reflectance | Yong-Sang Choi | 4. |
Cloud properties derived from SEVIRI and MODIS: A comparison study | Maria Joao Costa | 6 |
Stereo cloud top heights from MISR and AATSR for validation of EUMETSAT cloud top height products | Daniela Poli | |
MSG data use for nowcasting of convective system, based on neural network algorithm | Silvia Puca | |
Validation of sea ice type classification around Greenland using QuikScat seawinds data (abstract) | Rasmus Tonboe | |
Interpretation of MSG images, products and SAFNWC outputs for duty forecasters | Mark Rajnai | 2. |
Operational identification and visualisation of cloud processes for general aviation using multispectral data | Christoph Reudenbach | |
Fog detection and convective cell life cycle evaluation from MSG images | Barbara Zeiner |
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Receiving and processing Meteosat-8 data with the MSG-1 Toolset Plus suite (abstract) | David Taylor |
Session II: Meteorological Applications/MSG (Meteosat-8) Severe Storms
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Keynote presentation: Nowcasting thunderstorm intensity from satellite - A review | Robert Rabin | |
Simulating convection and lightning occurrence: Microphysical analysis of an extreme hailstorm | Claudia Adamo | |
Precipitation in the Mediterranean region observed with TRMM microwave data | Martina Kästner | |
CEI - Nowcasting: A common nowcasting system within five countries of Central Europe (abstract) | Veronika Zwatz-Meise | |
Relative motion: Diagnosis of weather systems and storms using multispectral geostationary satellite imagery (abstract) | James Purdom | |
Observation of convective storms, polar lows, and tropical cyclones using synthetic aperture radar (abstract) | Pablo Clemente-Colón | |
Storm early detection and monitoring with use of satellite data at the IMWM | Piotr Struzik | 1. |
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Nowcasting convective initiation and thunderstorm characteristics through the use of real-time geostationary satellite information | Kristopher Bedka | 1. |
Evolution of a local flash food on 15 July 2002 as reflected by Meteosat, radar and NWP model | Petr Pesice | 7 |
The unusual tropical storm of January 1996 | Oliver Mudenda | |
A multi-approach analysis of the November 2002 intense precipitation event over northern Italy (abstract) | Francesca Torricella |
Session II: Meteorological Applications/MSG (Meteosat-8) General
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Keynote presentation: Land surface temperature and emissivity from advanced sounders | Robert Knuteson | |
Optimal land surface temperature validation site in Europe for MSG | Prasanjit Dash | |
The GLI 380-NM channel - application for satellite remote sensing of tropospheric aerosol | Robert Hoeller | 2. |
Towards operational radio occultation products | Kent Lauritsen | 1. |
The use of EARS data at the Met Office | Amy Doherty | |
Model error detection by using simulated satellite images | Barbara Zeiner | 1. |
Utilisation of satellite data in the verification of HIRLAM cloud forecasts | Christoph Zingerle | |
A study of cloud properties as a function of retrieval resolution | Caroline Poulsen |
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
An effective research tool kit for the analysis of MSG data (abstract) | Jürgen Scheiber | |
Operational algorithms for higher level cloud products (abstract) | Peter Scheidgen |
Session III: AtmOspheric Trace Gas Monitoring
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Keynote presentation: SCIAMACHY on ENVISAT - Global mapping of the composition of the stratosphere and troposphere (abstract) | Heinrich Bovensmann | |
Processing and product management for GOME-2 atmospheric trace gas monitoring | Bernard Pruin | |
The NPOESS OMPS: Its role in an emerging global climate monitoring system and its potential for improved Numerical Weather Prediction (abstract) | Stephen Mango | |
The impact of a severe weather event on trace gas distributions in the troposphere and the stratosphere | Werner Thomas | 7 |
The status of an operational air quality monitoring and forecasting service utilising assimilated Earth observation data (abstract) | Eleni Paliouras |
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Ozone and stratospheric nitrogen dioxide monitoring in the south of Portugal from ground-based and satellite measurements | Daniele Bortoli | 3 |
New developments on geostationary atmospheric chemistry remote sensing (abstract) | Heinrich Bovensmann | |
Assimilation of ERS-2 GOME ozone column data into the DLR-ROSE chemistry-transport model: Analysis of long-term changes in model chemistry (abstract) | Eleni PALIOURAS |
Session IV: Training
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Keynote presentation: VISITview – Distance learning tool for operational weather forecasters (abstract) | Anthony Mostek | |
New training components within EUMETSAT: MSG interpretation guide and EUMetrain (abstract) | Veronika Zwatz-Meise | |
Use of satellite imagery in a collaboration to produce a computer-aided learning course on polar lows (abstract) | Ian Mills | |
The Comet program: Satellite meteorology training resources for the atmospheric science community (abstract) | Patrick Dills | |
ASMET 4 tropical cyclones over the southwest Indian Ocean (an interactive computer based training/learning) | James Kongoti | |
Distance learning system for Meteosat data investigation | Natalia Kussul | |
The CGMS/WMO virtual laboratory for education and training in satellite matters (abstract) | James Purdom |
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
VISITview - Distance learning tool for operational weather forecasters (abstract) | Anthony Mostek |
Session V: Ocean and Climate Observations
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Geolocation accuracy of GERB data | Martin Bates | |
Estimation of the radiative effects of aerosol using GERB and SEVIRI | Helen Brindley | 3. |
Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget experiment: In-flight performance and data validation (abstract) | Jennifer Hanafin, Jacqueline Russell | |
Gridding/Merging techniques for the humidity composite product of the CM-SAF | Jörg Schulz | |
The GERB ground segment processing system (GGSPS) | Andy Smith |
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Regional biases in the retrieved instantaneous reflected short wave flux at the top of the atmosphere | Cédric Bertrand | |
New development of the O&SI SAF Sea Ice products (abstract) | Lars Anders Breivik, Vibeke Thyness | |
A high resolution European cloud climatology from 15 years of NOAA/AVHRR data | Hermann Mannsteinn | |
A five-year precipitation climatology in the Danubian watershed based on Meteosat data | Christoph Reudenbach | 4. |
Mapping natural surface UV radiation with MSG: first maps and comparison with Meteosat-derived results and reference measurements | Jean Verdebout | 6 |
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
Graphical user interface for semi-automatic production of marine value-added products (abstract) | Roar Steen, Tove Tennvassås |
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
NASA remote sensing data: From satellites to users (abstract) | Gilberto Vicente |
Title | Authors including Presenter | File Size |
EUMETSAT’s new Archive – Easier access to data and products (abstract) | Marc Jenner |